Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Week 6 - Egg White Pancakes

1/2 c oats, toasted in skillet

3/4 c egg beaters scrambled ( add 1 egg white)

1 pkg splenda

  1. Preheat a skillet, spray with non-stick spray, and pour all that goodness in while shaping it into a large  “pancake”.
  2. Once cooked through, top with sugar free syrup, natural peanut butter, fake butter spray,
 Time to  devour!!!!! I like to add SUGAR FREE Raspberry preserves! ALL TOPPINGS MUST BE SUGAR FREE...YEAH baby!    it's simply amazing :D   **Big Props to Bre for the recipe...no gorgonzola here! :)


yazzers said...

Imma make it!!!!!! nom nom

Teresa said...

It looks pretty good. I am going to try it.

Amber said...

I have a questoin about starch rotation.

Im doing a 3,2,1 starch rotation
(75g on 1st day, 50g on 2nd day, and 25g on third day). Meal one for me is 1 scoop of protein powder with 1/2 cup oat meal. Oatmeal has 27g starch and protein powder has 7g starch. Do I inlcude the protein powder starches or just the oatmeal starches?
